Complacency kills props.
We were running out on a big minus tide today and I was explaining to one of the crew how important it was to run the red line as the green line is shallow. About that time I realized the green can was gone (kind of important buoy) and I was running right on the green line, following the boat in front of us. A second or two later a prop hit bottom, so I shut down as I did not want to damage the props. Luckily, we got help right away. Krai (the guy who catches our bait) pulled us into deeper water with his seiner boat, but the damage was done. We ran her up and the there was a vibration that I was not willing to chance offshore. This would really suck if we did not have a spare set of props. If nothing else is damaged, then we should be up and running Wednesday. Let's hope the fish can wait. Captain Mike
The forecast was not that great, but we had our two best sticks coming and they said they would take a beating if fishing was good.
We slept in and did not leave the bait dock until 8:30, as there was a BIG exchange. We were in fish right away and more than half plugged when Mark Youngblood called us in and said he was WFO close by. When Mark says he is WFO, we come running. It went lights out and we had a 55 fish stop. EVERYTHING got bit, and towards the end we were just tying hooks straight onto braid. Crazy. At again in the AM. Captain Mike Super steady fishing.
Great crew and decent ocean. Our stats our through the roof, by far our best fishing and 2.5 our average from last year. Fishing is amazing right now. Captain Mike We were super excited after yesterday and today did not disappoint.
We ran out to the same spot and slowly picked away at them. Around noon it heated up with triples and quads on the troll. Eventually all hell broke loose and our sonar was as lit up as I have ever seen it and fish were flashing everywhere. Our light crew (5) of mainly first time tuna fisherpeople stacked the deck. We ran in a little early, very close to plugged, as it was going to take a long time to process 44 fish and they all had long drives ahead. Our buddy Mark Coleman out of Westport said it was bat shit crazy up there. I can't wait for the wind to stop blowing so we can get back out there next week. Captain Mike Today was a trip with with the proceeds going to the Food for Kids program in Long Beach.
It started out real slow and we were sort of crapped out when we heard Liberty Gun (Totalfisherman) and Open Wide into some fish a little north of us. We ran up and got a quad on the troll and a decent bait stop. It built from there until it went WFO with fish boiling everywhere. We started doing the math and we were out of room and had to quit with fish hanging. 12 year-old Riley was an absolute monster, putting around 15 fish on the deck, most of them on bait. He definitely smoked 90 % of the people who fish with us and every other kid, and this was his first tuna trip. Amazing. At it again in the AM. Captain Mike Great crew, lumpy ocean and decent fishing.
Big John imported another Domer (us Notre Dame guys stick together) and his daughter from the midwest. The kid killed it and dad was pretty good too. Just when we started clicking, it died and never came back to life. Clark and I are at again in the AM. Captain Mike We got a late start, as we had to wait for the fuel dock to open.
When we get out there it went wide open right away with fish boiling around the boat. We picked off a few more and then it completely died around noon. Sitting out the big wind for a few days, but should be back at it again Friday. Also, more big BFT rumors of huge BFT crashing bait in the green water, plus a buddy right next to us lost a marlin yesterday. This is the most amazing season I have ever seen and we are just getting started. Captain Mike Our 5 man crew (the guy who did not show is going to be kicking himself) got it done.
I thought our streak would end. I was wrong. It lit up late and we plugged the boat. Great crew, ocean, and fishing. Captain Mike Amazing fishing- just short of our boat records.
28 miles out. A guy next to us caught a 92 lb BFT. WOW. Captain Mike |
February 2025