Craiger and Darrell ran out to the spot that was very hot the day before.
The fish were gone. Craig started looking for better water and found some good looking water on a sat shot. They ran south and found some biters, ending the day with 14. The good news is that the water has already settled out and the blue water has not pushed too far out. The guys are at it again on Thursday. Mike C
I have been too busy being a lawyer to keep up on the reports, but fishing have been very, good.
Craig and Darrell plugged the boat again today. Mike C I just got a text from the guys.
48 fish by 3:30. That is damn impressive. If this holds up, it will be our best year ever. Mike C Mike P and Darrell decided to go south as we heard some decent reports from the corners.
Solid fishing all day long without an real slow spots. It was mainly a troll game. They ended up with 30 fish and were the high boat for the day. Mike C Darrel and Craig and a crew of killers who have plugged Shake N Bake many, many times were all amped up after the amazing fishing the day before.
The birds were gone and something was off. I knew it was going to be a bad day when I started getting text messages from EVERYONE (I was on the beach) asking if anyone had found any tuna. The excellent bite up north had died and the crew ended up with one. Damn. Mike C Our shaft is on a truck somewhere and headed to Astoria to fitted to the coupler and prop.
Fishing is unreal right now. One buddy was done by 11:00 with 61 and another buddy did about the same. The crazy thing is that they were 60 miles apart and there are fish everywhere in between. We can't wait to get back out there. Mike C The guys felt a bad vibration today and had a diver come out to see if anything was wrapped on the prop or shaft.
It looked clean but still vibrated, so they went to put her in the slip. Apparently the shaft snapped and the prop is sitting in front of our slip. The diver is headed back and a shaft is on order, but we will be down for 5-10 days Mike C Today was a meat trip, as I needed 30 tuna for canning and my crew wanted some too.
We ran SW and were into fish pretty quickly. It was never red hot, but was never slow. We ended up plugging the boat and a big kill bag too, with 63 nice sized tuna. Mike P and Darrell are at it in the AM. Mike C Mike P and Craig ran out to the honey hole and something was off as they were not marking fish.
They went SW searching for them and after a slow morning it lit up in the afternoon. The ocean was still pretty sloppy, but is going to be real nice in a few days. I can't wait for Monday's trips. Mike C |
February 2025