We got called into a hot bite by Cpt Steve Sohlstrom on the Salty Dog from Seabreeze Charters.
1.5 hours and 51 tuna later we were done and headed home. Amazing. We are 100% booked but Sea Breeze has some slots. Mike C
The fish took a day off but came back strong today.
50 plus fish. Mike C Two days of back to back fishing and I am beat.
Lots of fish 29 miles west of Ilwaco. 95 fish hit the deck in two days. What a year. At it again in the AM when John and I get to be customers for a short crew. Mike C Mike P and Craig got it done.
They had 50 plus. That is all I know. Mike C Darrell and Mike P beat it out to the tuna grounds on a lousy ocean.
Their crew got it done and they are coming home with 50. What an amazing year. Mike C Today's forecast was not great and the ocean was worse.
Darrell and Craig ran SW and it was slow. Things picked up a bit, but it was damn near impossible to get a bait stop going with 15-20 knots of wind and 4-5 ft wind waves punching them in the face. They ended up with 27 fish, which was a very good result considering the conditions. They are at it again in the AM. Mike C Yesterdays crew apparently was ready to go at it again.
The boys ran 40 miles SW and game on. It started slow and finished strong with 40 tuna. What an amazing two days of fishing. Mike C Today's trip raised $6K for a local kids charity, so no matter what it was going to be a great day.
Fishing was excellent and the crew was great and we plugged the boat and headed home. The birds that looked like they were sitting were actually standing on a log, which I realized when I heard a loud bang. Craig is pulling the boat and swapping out the props on Sunday so our Monday charter should be a go (sorry Sunday's crew). Mike C |
September 2024