Darrell, John, Nick, me, and some friends did a crew trip today.
Boat call was 8:30 due to the 9 ft exchange. We ran north off of Long Beach and found the fleet working a rip. 1.5 hours or so we had 10 coho and 2 chinook. The grade was much better than expected. Let's hope the rest of the salmon season is as good. The offshore water is heating up fast and I predict tuna within sport boat range in 2-3 weeks. Mike C
1/23/24 my phone started to blow up around noon and it was not good, the Ilwaco Landing was on fire and it was getting worse.
Pretty soon it was clear that it was going to be a total loss. A lot of crabbers had their gear on the docks as they were about to load up their boats for next weeks crab season. I have heard estimates of 6,000-9,000 crab pots, at around $300 a pot, were burned up during the fire. Most crabbers make a big part of their income in the first few weeks of crabbing, so this is a disaster and is likely going to put some of them out of business. If you want to help out, there is a Gofundme fund where 100% of the $$ is going to help the crabbers who lost gear. https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-fisherman-who-lost-pots-in-the-ilwaco-fire Please give if you can. Mike C Cpt John Cooney has the pending IGFA all tackle length world record albacore.
Way to go big John. https://igfa.org/member-services/world-record/common-name/Albacore The all tackle length records for juniors (under 16) and fly are still wide open, so if you want a shot a world record in 2024, we will do our best to try and get you one. 2023 was a solid season and with the El Nino we are experiencing right now, we expect 2024 to be an above average season and lots of exotics (marlin, yellowtail, bft, etc...). Deckhand Craiger is now Captain Craiger, so expect to see him on Shake N Bake a bit more during the 2024 tuna season. Happy holidays to all of our angling friends. See you next summer. Mike C I have been busy fishing, working, and being a dad, so I have been terrible about putting up fishing reports (I do put them on Ifish most days).
It slowed up for a few days and then got real good again this week. Today Darrell and Craig plugged the boat with 38 pigs and were done by noon. Too bad the wind is blowing, so we are shut down for a few days, but back at it this weekend. Mike C Craig and Darrell ran around 30 miles NW.
It took a few more hours than yesterday, but they plugged the boat with a BIG grade of tuna. Mike C After a couple of slow days and a salmon day, it picked up again yesterday.
Darrell and Craig ran 27 miles out and plugged the boat by 10:30. This has been one hell of a year and should only get better as the season goes on. Mike C Darrel and Craig picked right back up where they left them yesterday.
They saw foamers and it went wide open and never stopped. They were back at the dock with 50 plus pigs by 1:30. Amazing. Mike C Darrel and Craig went back to the honey hole and their crew put 52 tuna on the deck before the headed home around 1:30.
Amazing fishing right now. Mike C Darrel and Craig ran SW towards a spot where we heard of boats doing unreal numbers of fish.
They never made, as they ran into fish 38 miles out. It was wide open and they plugged the boat and left biting fish. WOW. They are at it again in the AM. Mike C This is the longest stretch of lousy seas that I can remember, so we are still shut down for awhile.
If you want a great deal on a SNB trip, see below. Two local guys, Matt Lessnau and Josh Phillips, in Ilwaco are doing their best to help revitalize Ilwaco via the city council. Re-Elect Matt LessnauRe-Elect Matt Lessnau, Ilwaco, Washington. 26. Incumbent, seeking re-election to Ilwaco's City Council. Experienced & dedicated to our community. www.facebook.com Josh Phillips for Ilwaco City Council Seat 5Josh Phillips for Ilwaco City Council Seat 5, Ilwaco, Washington. Young dedicated candidate running for Ilwaco City Council Seat 5. www.facebook.com Matt (current city council member) spearheaded the purchase of 850 acres of timberland by the city that he and others are currently working on turning it into a hiking and mountain biking destination. Josh (running for city council), the owner of Spawn fly fishing, is a world-class fly fisherman and former pro soccer player who runs a fly shop in town and definitely cares about the interests of local anglers. These guys are exactly what Ilwaco needs to move ahead. We are offering up a Shake N Bake charter trip for a $3,000 donation that 100% of the proceeds will be split between the two campaigns. The trip would either be in October of this year, or you would get first pick of any date for 2024, including a back-up date. If you are interested, shoot me an email at [email protected] Thanks, Mike C |
February 2025